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Fig. 4 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 4

From: Single-sEV profiling identifies the TACSTD2 + sEV subpopulation as a factor of tumor susceptibility in the elderly

Fig. 4

TACSTD2 and CEA in the serum of patients with tumor and healthy controls. A-C. Serum TACSTD2 and CEA levels and age of tumor patients (n = 153) and healthy controls (n = 24). **P < 0.01. D and E. ROC curves of TACSTD2 and CEA in the tumor group from healthy group. F and G. Serum TACSTD2 and CEA levels in 13 tumor groups and healthy controls (n = 24). Breast cancer (n = 16), cervical cancer (n = 11), colon cancer (n = 9), esophageal carcinoma (n = 10), gastric carcinoma (n = 11), glioma (n = 13), liver cancer (n = 12), lung cancer (n = 11), pancreatic cancer (n = 10), prostate cancer (n = 13), rectal cancer (n = 11), renal carcinoma (n = 13), and thyroid carcinoma (n = 13). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001

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