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Fig. 3 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 3

From: Engineered nanoparticles promote cardiac tropism of AAV vectors

Fig. 3

Intravenous administration of ePL targets cytokine-releasing KCs in the liver. a Mice were administered i.v. or intraperitoneally (i.p.) with fluorescently-labeled ePL at 70 mg/kg (n = 3 per group). b Livers were digested to obtain single cell suspension which was then analyzed using flow cytometry. Cell markers: regulatory T cells (Tregs): CD3+CD4+CD25+; Neutrophils: CD11b+F4/80−Ly6G+; Cytokine-releasing Kupffer Cells (crKCs): CD11b+F4/80+; Phagocytic Kupffer Cells (pKCs): CD11b+F4/80+CD68+; Hepatocytes: CD11b−F4/80−CD146−CD206−; liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs): CD11b−F4/80−CD146+CD206+. c Cytokine levels in plasma from ePL treated mice (n = 3/group) 4 h after i.v. injection. d Scheme of in vivo-in vitro serum testing assay. Cells were supplemented with mouse serum extracted from ePL- or PBS-treated mice. e Heatmap obtained from luminescence readout of various transduced cells as indicated. f mRNA transcripts expression of immune defense and anti-viral genes in cultured primary macrophages after treatment with 1 mg/mL ePL in vitro. Nanostring nCounter gene expression counts are shown (n = 2/gr). g ePL activated STAT1 in macrophages as shown by increased phosphorylation at Tyr701. N.d.  not detected

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