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Figure 2 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Figure 2

From: Effect of carbon black nanomaterial on biological membranes revealed by shape of human erythrocytes, platelets and phospholipid vesicles

Figure 2

The effect of carbon black nanomaterial on washed human erythrocytes. The effect of carbon black (CB) nanomaterial on washed human erythrocytes as observed by scanning electron microscope. Panels A, D and G show the control samples with added citrated and phosphate buffered saline (PBS); panels B, E and H show the samples with added PBS-suspended CB nanomaterial after 1 hour, 3 hours and 24 hours of incubation, respectively and panels C, F and I show the samples with added PBS-suspended ZnO after 1 hour, 3 hours and 24 hours, respectively. Large CB agglomerates adhered to the erythrocyte surface (B, E, H, black arrows). Agglomerate which adhered to two erythrocytes mediated a bridging interaction between them (B, white arrow). In ZnO-treated samples, singular echinocytes were found (C, F, I, white triangles).

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