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Fig. 6 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 6

From: Targeted imaging and induction of apoptosis of drug-resistant hepatoma cells by miR-122-loaded graphene-InP nanocompounds

Fig. 6

GPMQN therapy assay of HepG2/ADM cells treated with GPMQNs. A Inhibition of tumor growth in HepG2/ADM nude mice with different treatments, a untreated used as control, b treated 10 mg kg−1 GPMQNs without loading miR-122, c transfected with miR-122 (1 mg kg−1, same concentration as loaded on GPMQNs), d treated 10 mg kg−1 GPMQNs. B HE staining was performed on tissue sections of HepG2/ADM xenograft tumors treated as follows: a untreated used as control, b treated 10 mg kg−1 GPMQNs without loading miR-122, c transfected with miR-122 (1 mg kg−1, same concentration as loaded on GPMQNs), d treated 10 mg kg−1 GPMQNs. C The effect of different treatments on the tumor growth inhibition in HepG2/ADM nude mice. a untreated used as control, b treated 10 mg kg−1 GPMQNs without loading miR-122, c transfected with miR-122 (1 mg kg−1, same concentration as loaded on GPMQNs), d treated 10 mg L−1 GPMQNs. D Distribution of indium levels in various tissues from different treatment groups. The HepG2/ADM nude mice were treated the same way as shown in (C). 1 Brain, 2 Muscle, 3 Skin, 4 Liver, 5 Intestine, 6 Tumor. (*P < 0.05 compared to the control group)

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