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Fig. 7 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 7

From: Novel design of (PEG-ylated)PAMAM-based nanoparticles for sustained delivery of BDNF to neurotoxin-injured differentiated neuroblastoma cells

Fig. 7Fig. 7

Cellular localisation of PAMAM-based nanoparticles in SH-SY5Y cells exposed to 6-OHDA. The cells were incubated either with BDNF-PAMAM-AF488 (a) or BDNF-PAMAM-AF488-PEG (b) nanoparticles (green color) for different time (5, 10, 30 min, 1 and 24 h) and then co-stained with WGA-Texas Red-X (red) and DAPI (blue). Confocal fluorescence images on the right panel are render series of z-stack with applied surface mode. Panel on the left presents single stack from the z-stack and only nanoparticles (green) and surface glycoproteins (red) are shown. The images were taken at 400 × magnification

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