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Fig. 1 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 1

From: Dynamic AFM detection of the oxidation-induced changes in size, stiffness, and stickiness of low-density lipoprotein

Fig. 1

Confirmation of LDL oxidation. a Agarose gel electrophoresis. Left panel: the gel stained with Sudan black B for the lipid component of LDL; right panel: the gel loading the same samples but stained with Coomassie brilliant blue for the protein component of LDL. Lanes from left to right: LDL treated with Cu2+ (cupric sulphate) at a final copper concentration of 5 µM in PBS for the indicated periods of time. b Malondialdehyde (MDA) production of LDL after copper-induced oxidation for the indicated periods of time (h). c Conjugated diene formation of LDL after copper-induced oxidation for the indicated periods of time (min). The fitting curves in b and c were obtained by fitting calculated averages to a four-parameter function

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