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Fig. 6 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 6

From: Synaptosomes: new vesicles for neuronal mitochondrial transplantation

Fig. 6

Synaptosomes can vehicle mitochondria a Cartoon of synaptosomes containing JC1-stained mitochondria (Synap-JC1) administered to LAN5 neuronal cells. b Representative bright field and red fluorescence images showing the interaction between Synap-JC1 and LAN5 cells after 2 or 4 h of incubation. c Representative dynamic imaging of Synap-C-1 at different times. d Histogram of the relative JC1 red fluorescence intensity for cell incubated with Synap-JC1 for 2 and 4 h (concentration of 10.2 × 107 particles/100 µl). e Western blot of proteins extracted from LAN5 untreated (Control) or synaptosomes treated (Synap) and incubated with antibodies against mitochondrial proteins TOM40, Cytochrome C (Cyt C) and Hexokinase II (Hexok). f Relative quantification of the immunoreactive bands. The uniformity of gel loading was confirmed by using β-actin as standard. g PCR analysis of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) specific for Human (Human mtDNA) and Rat (Rat mtDNA) in human LAN5 cells incubated with rat synaptosomes at different doses (5 and 10 µl, which correspond to concentration 2.5 × 107; 5.1 × 107 particles/100 µl respectively). Human nuclear DNA (Human nDNA) was used as reference. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.02 vs Control. Scale bar 20 µm

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