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Scheme 1 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Scheme 1

From: Quantitative hypoxia mapping using a self-calibrated activatable nanoprobe

Scheme 1

Synthesis route, structure and function of the self-calibrated activatable nanoprobe Cy7-1/PG5-Cy5@LWHA. Top: synthesis route and structure of Cy7-1/PG5-Cy5@LWHA. Bottom: In vivo imaging of Cy7-1/PG5-Cy5@LWHA allowed for quantitative hypoxia imaging in orthotopic and LN metastatic breast cancer models. “Always-on” Cy5 in the nanoprobe is used to monitor probe accumulation, and Cy7-1 in the nanoprobe is used to sense NTR activity in the hypoxic tumor cells. The nanoprobe was administered through tail-vein injection in orthotopic tumor model and through intratumoral injection in LN metastatic models

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