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Fig. 1 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 1

From: From nanoparticles to crystals: one-pot programmable biosynthesis of photothermal gold structures and their use for biomedical applications

Fig. 1

A Bright-field TEM images (two left columns) and selected area diffraction patterns (SAED, right) of AuMu nanostructures synthesized at pH 3, pH 6, and pH 9, forming micron-sized crystals (triangles and hexagons), mainly coral-shaped nanoparticles and spherical nanoparticles, respectively. In all cases, individual Au particles were perfectly crystalline apart from the presence of planar defects. B. Optical image of the Au@PGM solutions. C. UV–vis spectra of the solutions. Inset: UV–vis spectra obtained after background substruction highlighting the plasmonic peak

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