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Table 4 Mean and (standard deviation) of the reduction percentage of RLUs with the ATP assay after 7 days of adhesive contact with the bacteria

From: L-arginine-containing mesoporous silica nanoparticles embedded in dental adhesive (Arg@MSN@DAdh) for targeting cariogenic bacteria


RLUs % Reduction*

Streptococcus mutans**

Streptococcus gordonii**

Lactobacillus casei**


32.56 (18.59)a

34.47 (27.16)a

23.58 (24.02)a


40.98 (17.53)a

34.66 (26.30)a

42.36 (21.76)b


56.52 (11.11)b

44.85 (24.65)a

55.32 (20.98)b


58.59 (8.83)b

50.66 (31.16)a

56.73 (25.10)b

0.9% SS#

  1. *Values of RLUs control: mean (standard deviation): S. mutans 5524(1886); S. gordonii 5246 (303); L. casei 6131(1648)
  2. **Global comparison between groups determined by ANOVA (P < .001) with Welch´s correction. The same letter read vertically indicates differences that were not statistically significant according to the Games-Howell test
  3. #SS saline solution, RLUs relative light units
  4. Mean (SD). n = 16/group