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Correction: Advanced gene nanocarriers/scaffolds in nonviral-mediated delivery system for tissue regeneration and repair

The Original Article was published on 26 June 2024

Correction: Journal of Nanobiotechnology (2024) 22:376

The authors of this article would like to update the figure caption for Figs. 6 and 9.

In Fig. 6, “(A-B) Reproduced with permission [161]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier.” should be changed to “(A-B) Reproduced with permission [162]. Copyright 2023, Elsevier”.

In Fig. 6, “(C-E) Reproduced with permission [163]. Copyright 2021, Wiley” should be changed to “(C-E) Reproduced with permission [200]. Copyright 2023, Wiley”.

Additionally, in “Advanced gene nanocarriers/scaffolds for gene therapy in cartilage regeneration” part of main text, “(Fig. 6C-D)” should be removed where reference 163 is cited, and “(Fig. 6C-E)” should be added where reference 200 is cited.

In Fig. 9A, the statement of “Reproduced with permission [274]. Copyright 2015, Elsevier.” should be removed as this has been organised by the authors. The original article has been corrected.

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Correspondence to Xiaojian Zhou or Yongtao Wang.

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Zhang, W., Hou, Y., Yin, S. et al. Correction: Advanced gene nanocarriers/scaffolds in nonviral-mediated delivery system for tissue regeneration and repair. J Nanobiotechnol 22, 516 (2024).

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