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Fig. 4 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 4

From: Lyophilized apoptotic vesicle-encapsulated adhesive hydrogel sponge as a rapid hemostat for traumatic hemorrhage in coagulopathy

Fig. 4

Preparation and characterization of apoV-encapsulated hydrogel sponge (apoV-HS). a Schematic diagram indicating the assembly of apoV-HS and the procedures of lyophilization. PBA-HA, phenylboronic acid grafted oxidized hyaluronic acid. PVA, poly(vinyl alcohol). Yellow circles with blue border represent apoVs in the diagram. b Digital photos showing the morphology of lyophilized hydrogel sponge. PBS-HS, hydrogel sponge with PBS added during assembly. c Digital photos and diagram showing the compression property and injectability of PBS-HS and apoV-HS. d Digital images and statistical analysis illustrating the swelling processes of apoV-HS in deionized water (DI). n = 3 per group. e Digital photos demonstrating the adhesive property of apoV-HS to the surface of mice organs. f Digital photos illustrating process of blood clotting upon hemostatic agents and quantification of the blood clotting index (BCI). n = 4 per group. g Quantification of apoVs’ release efficiency from apoV-HS. n = 4 per group. h Scanning electron microscope (SEM) showing the morphology of lyophilized hydrogel sponge after hydration. The white arrows indicate apoVs. Scale bar, 25 μm (upper panel); 1 μm (lower panel). **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001

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