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Fig. 3 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 3

From: Folding molecular origami from ribosomal RNA

Fig. 3

Simultaneous folding of both 18S and 26S rRNA into two discrete rectangles in one reaction as a feasibility for large scale folding. AFM analysis. a, b Decreasing scaffold:staple ratio—reducing scaffold to staple ratio from 1:10 (a) to 1:5 (b). The images presented (from left to right) at different scales: 500 nm, 200 nm and 50 nm. c Increasing scaffold concentration—increasing initial scaffold concentration in the folding reaction from 10 nM (left), to 50 nM (middle) and 80 nM (right). d Increasing volume reaction—18S and 26S rectangles folded simultaneously in 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes in a heat block at 1:5 scaffold: staple ratio rather than using a thermal cycler. The images presented (from left to right) at different scales: Black—500 nm, yellow—200 nm and gray—50 nm

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