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Fig. 1 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 1

From: Carbon nanotube biocompatibility in plants is determined by their surface chemistry

Fig. 1

PEI-SWNTs elicit a very distinct transcriptional response compared to that of water or SWNTs. A Experimental setup: Arabidopsis leaves were infiltrated with ssRNA-adsorbed pristine SWNTs or plasmid-loaded PEI-SWNTs. Non infiltrated and water-infiltrated leaves were used as controls. Samples were collected 48 h post infiltration. B Principal Component Analysis of the transcriptomic profile in response to the different treatments. Each dot represents one biological replicate. C Upset plot showing the number of up- or down-regulated genes common or specific to each treatment. Genes with a statistically significant (FDR < 0.05) two-fold change in expression relative to non-infiltrated samples were selected. D Functional characterization of genes differentially expressed in the three treatments (375 up, 175 down), specifically in SWNTs and PEI-SWNT samples (320 up, 107 down), and uniquely in PEI-SWNT samples (647 up, 655 down). For a full list of GO terms, see Additional file 2: Table S2

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