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Fig. 3 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 3

From: Radiodynamic therapy with CsI(na)@MgO nanoparticles and 5-aminolevulinic acid

Fig. 3

In vitro RDT with CIS@M-F and 5-ALA, evaluated with 4T1 cells. a Cell uptake, investigated with Rhodamine B labeled CIS@M-F or CIS@M-C (CsI(Na)@MgO nanoparticles coated with DSPE-PEG-COOH only) nanoparticles using flow cytometry. MFI, median fluorescence intensity. Increased cell uptake was observed with CIS@M-F compared to CIS@M-C at both 100 and 200 µg/mL. b–e Impact of CIS@M-F and 5-ALA on cellular oxidative stress. 4T1 cells were incubated with CIS@M-F (100 µg mL−1), 5-ALA (200 µg mL−1), or their combination, followed by IR (5 Gy). All experiments were repeated in quintuplicates. b Cellular hydroxyl radical levels, measured with APF (ex/em: 490/515 nm). c Cellular 1O2 levels, measured with SOSG (ex/em: 504/525 nm). Cytosol SOD (d) and mitochondrial MnSOD (e) activities, measured with Superoxide Dismutase Assay Kit. f Mitochondrial membrane potentials (Ψm), measured with TMRE assay. g Double-strand DNA beaks, measured with anti-rH2AX staining. Positively stained foci per cells were quantified by ImageJ. h Lipid peroxidation, measured with C11-BIDOPY (ex/em: 488/510 nm) assay. i Cell viability, measured with ATP bioluminescence assay at 24 h. j Tumorigenicity, measured with clonogenic assay at a range of radiation doses (0–9 Gy; n = 3). k Summary of linear-quadratic (S = e−(aD+bD^2)) fitting results, based on clonogenic assay results from j. D10, dose required to achieve 10% survival. DMF, does modifying factor, based on D10 values. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; ns, p > 0.05

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