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Scheme 1 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Scheme 1

From: Radiodynamic therapy with CsI(na)@MgO nanoparticles and 5-aminolevulinic acid

Scheme 1

CsI(Na)@MgO@DSPE-Folate nanoparticles (CIS@M-F) and 5-ALA are separately administered but colocalized in cancer cells to enable RDT. CIS@M-F are internalized by cancer cells through receptor-mediated endocytosis. 5-ALA is converted to PpIX, which accumulates in cancer cells’ mitochondria. When irradiated, CIS@M-F produce X-ray luminescence that activates PpIX, causing mitochondria damage. Meanwhile, CIS@M-F also afford high-Z effects that enhance RT-induced DNA damage. The two components synergize to reduce cancer cell proliferation and tumorigenicity

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