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Fig. 7 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 7

From: Gold-nanosphere mitigates osteoporosis through regulating TMAO metabolism in a gut microbiota-dependent manner

Fig. 7

GNS administration decreased the production of TMAO-related metabolites derived from gut microbiota.

(A) Heatmap of TMAO-related metabolites between OVX and OVX + GNS groups. The blue, white and red color represents less, intermediate and high abundance, respectively.

(B) The concentration of TMAO-related metabolites including betaine, choline, creatinine, TMA, TMAO and L-carnitine from feces between OVX and OVX + GNS groups.

(C) Heatmap of TMAO-related metabolites between FMT(OVX) and FMT (OVX + GNS) groups.

(D) The concentration of TMAO-related metabolites including betaine, choline, creatinine, TMA, TMAO and L-carnitine from feces between the FMT(OVX) and FMT(OVX + GNS) group. (A-D) n = 5 mice per group.

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