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Scheme 1 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Scheme 1

From: CD16 CAR-T cells enhance antitumor activity of CpG ODN-loaded nanoparticle-adjuvanted tumor antigen-derived vaccinevia ADCC approach

Scheme 1

Formation of CNPs nanoparticles and synergistic anti-tumor immunotherapy strategy based on vaccine, anti-PD1 antibody and CD16 CAR-T cells. A CpG ODN was encapsulated by CMG and PS to form CpG ODN –loaded nanoparticle (CNPs) through self-assembly approach. Vaccines were generated by mixing CNPs with tumor-derived antigens, such as TCL and neoantigens or the mixture of TCL and neoantigens, respectively. B Vaccine-induced anti-tumor CTL and tumor-specific antibodies, which directed CD16 CAR-T to target tumor cells through ADCC approach and the targets of Anti-PD1 antibody

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