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Table 2 Overview of the functions of ApoBDs derived from different cells

From: Apoptotic bodies: bioactive treasure left behind by the dying cells with robust diagnostic and therapeutic application potentials



Cell type

Function and mechanism


Malignant tumor

Drug delivery

Mouse breast metastatic cancer cells

ApoBDs penetrate the blood–brain barrier


Human cancer cells (breast, glioblastoma, and hepatic cancer) and mouse breast cancer cells

ApoBDs target macrophages and cancer cells


Human melanoma cell

ApoBDs target DCs



Human hepatoma cells

ApoBDs promote survival of HSC via activation of the JAK1/STAT3 pathway


Human glioblastoma cell

ApoBDs-mediated transfer of spliceosomal proteins


Murine melanoma

Induce anti-tumor immune responses


Diagnostic tools

Prostate cancer cells

A higher number of ApoBDs

[108, 114]



Murine MSCs

Promote angiogenesis



Reduced COX2 expression


Murine BMSCs

Promote M2 macrophage polarization


Drug delivery

Human MSCs

ApoBDs-laden hyaluronic acid hydrogel for endometrial regeneration


Immune cells


Mouse macrophage

ApoBDs promote the proliferation of recipient epithelial cells


Human lymphoblasts

Immunogenic molecules are translocated into ApoBDs



ApoBDs are phagocytosed by other DCs


Human T cells

Induce unresponsiveness of peripheral T cells


Mouse monocyte

ApoBDs facilitate viral propagation


Diagnostic tools

Human plasma

ApoBDs as biomarkers for measuring apoptosis


Other cells


Human vitiligo melanocyte

TyrP-1 and Asp230 concentrated in ApoBDs


Rat endplate chondrocytes

Adjust ENPP1, ANK, and TNAP expression



Activate RANKL reverse signaling


Mouse insulinoma β cells

Reestablish peripheral immune tolerance


Rat cardiomyocyte

Stimulate proliferation and differentiation of myocardial cells


  1. HSC: hepatic stellate cells; MSCs: mesenchymal stem cells; DCs: dendritic cell