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Fig. 5 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 5

From: Single-cell RNA-seq analysis decodes the kidney microenvironment induced by polystyrene microplastics in mice receiving a high-fat diet

Fig. 5

PS-MPs plus HFD treatment reshaped the proportions and activation states of T and B cells. A UMAP of T cells colored by four treatment groups (left) and T cell subsets (right). B The proportion of T cell subsets in the four treatment groups. C Heatmap of the top 10 DEGs among T cell subsets according to log fold changes. D Violin plot of the top 3 DEGs among T cell subsets according to log fold changes. E KEGG enrichment analysis of upregulation pathways of CD8+ effector T cells in PS-MPs group vs. ND group. F Pseudotime trajectory analysis colored by T cell subsets at varying pseudotime stages (left) and by individual T cell subsets (right). G UMAP of B cells colored by four treatment groups (left) and B cell subsets (right). H The proportion of B cell subsets in the four treatment groups. I Violin plot of the top 3 DEGs among B cell subsets according to log fold changes. J Heatmap of the top 10 DEGs among B cell subsets according to log fold changes. K KEGG enrichment analysis of upregulation pathways of BCells_4 and BCells_6 in PS-MPs group vs. ND group. L Pseudotime trajectory analysis colored by B cell subsets at varying pseudotime stages (up) and by individual B cell subsets (down)

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