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Fig. 2 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 2

From: CircNUP50 is a novel therapeutic target that promotes cisplatin resistance in ovarian cancer by modulating p53 ubiquitination

Fig. 2

CircNUP50 dysregulation contributes to abnormal expression of platinum resistance-associated genes in OC. A and B Heatmap and scatterplot of mRNA sequencing of platinum-resistant and -sensitive OC tissues. C KEGG analysis based on mRNA-seq data. D Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) based on mRNA-seq data. E and F Heatmap and scatterplot of mRNA-seq data of si-circNUP50 SKOV3/DDP and si-NC SKOV3/DDP cells. G and H KEGG and GSEA based on si-circNUP50 SKOV3/DDP cells and si-NC SKOV3/DDP cell mRNA-seq data. I Intersection of mRNA-seq data from OC tissues and si-circNUP50-SKOV3/DDP cells J and K BIRC3 and BCL2 expression in SKOV3/DDP and A2780/DDP cells. L and M BIRC3 and BCL2 expression in SKOV3/DDP and A2780/DDP cells transfected with si-circNUP50

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