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Fig. 4 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 4

From: scRNA-seq analysis discovered suppression of immunomodulatory dependent inflammatory response in PMBCs exposed to silver nanoparticles

Fig. 4

T cells subsets identification and functional annotation. (a) UMAP visualization of T cells subsets from CD4 + T and CD8 + T cells. (b) Comparison of cellular population from each susbset of T cells. (c) DEGs analysis of significant T cells subsets including naïve and memory CD4 + T cells were visualized in volcano plot. (d) Substantial genes expression from naïve and memory CD4 + T cells were represented in a bar graph based on log2 and an adjusted p-value. (e) Gene ontology functional annotation was performed for significantly expressed genes from each T cells subsets. (f) The enrichment analysis of significantly expressed genes from T cells is shown in a bubble plot based on gene ontology performance. (g) An illustration of the genes that are up- and down-regulated in the suggested functional pathway of naïve and memory CD4T cells. For all DEG analyses, a significant change was defined as an adjusted p-value (Benjamini-Hochberg analysis) less than 0.05 and a fold change over two times. For all GO and GESA analyses, an adjusted p-value (Benjamini-Hochberg analysis) of less than 0.05 was used to identify significant enrichment

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