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Fig. 6 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 6

From: Nanoscale myelinogenesis image in developing brain via super-resolution nanoscopy by near-infrared emissive curcumin-BODIPY derivatives

Fig. 6

a Highlight of five different brain region cc (corpus callosum), cg (cingulum), ec (external capsule), CPu (corpus striatum), and GP (globus pallidus) under confocal and STED for myelinogenesis evaluation. b Brian section of P1, P7 P15, P20, and P90 mice stained with MyL-1 and analysis of fluorescent intensity in cc, cg, ec, Cpu, and GP regions over times (n = 3). c Representative brain section of cc region at P1, P7, P15, P20, and P90, with MBP marked as green and nucleus marked as blue. d Magnified 3D confocal images of cc region at P7, P15, P20, and P90 showed myelin and MBP evolution (Note both myelin and MBP signal are hard to resolve at P1). I Correspondent two-color STED imaging showed myelin and MBP growing at single axon level over time. Fluorescence intensity quantification of MBP coverage (f) and myelin coverage (g) with their intensity ratio (IMyL-1/ IMBP) over times (h). Quantification of myelin node distance (i) and its diameter (j) at P7, P15, P20 and P90 (n = 10–15 images from three independent experiments). k Schematic representation of proposed myelinogenesis and its correlation with MBP during development

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