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Table 2 Summary of the market research of typical fish maw products

From: Swim bladder-derived biomaterials: structures, compositions, properties, modifications, and biomedical applications



Regions of origin

Characteristics and advantages

Medicinal effects


Australia, China, India, and countries in Southeast Asia (mainly)

It is shaped like a capital Y; large-scale production; cheap; high nutritional value; good collagen quality

Regulates secretion and enhances immunity

Nile perch

(Lates niloticus)

Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and other countries in the Nile Valley freshwater regions

Large-scale production; cheap; high nutritional value; good collagen quality; thick meat

Maintains beauty and has antiaging properties

New Zealand ling

New Zealand (mainly) and Europe

Contains a large amount of deep-sea minerals and collagen components. Large-scale production; moderate price

Moisturizes skin and removes wrinkles

Suriname ling

Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname (mainly), Uruguay, Venezuela, and other countries

It has two "ears" on its head, a tail, and saturated flesh. large-scale production; moderate price

Regulates secretion and enhances immunity

Totoaba macdonaldi


The maw has two long whiskers that are nodular in shape; scarce; expensive; only for collection

Good hemostatic effect



It has been listed as a national second-class protected animal and is currently endangered; scarce; expensive; only for collection

Good hemostatic effect

Red billed (e.g., Double spined yellow croaker, Brown catfish, and Farmed catfish)

Indian Ocean (mainly), Nan'ao Island in China, Southeast Asia (mainly), and Western North Pacific

Scarce in the wild; expensive; the gelatin is delicate and has good viscosity; after stewing, the soup is clear

Aids in postoperative recovery and regulates secretion

Otolithoides biauritus

India, Peru, South Australia Island of China, and Vietnam

Large-scale; moderate price

Cough relief, moistening of the airways in lung, tonifying kidneys, and strengthening body’s essence

Perciformes totoaba

Indonesia, Laos, Philippines, Southeastern waters of China, Thailand (mainly), and Vietnam

Medium quality, with a strong fishy odor; varying prices

Nourishes blood, promotes blood circulation, enhances immunity, and promotes wound healing

Brotula clarkae

Pacific Ocean from the southern Gulf of California to Colombia

It is white and shaped like a "butterfly". The collagen content is relatively high

Nourishes the skin, removes wrinkles, and replenishes the blood to promote blood circulation

Boesemania microlepis

Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam (mainly)

The shape of the unopened fish maw is like a hammer; it is accompanied by 2–6 short and small whiskers

Helpful for cough, asthma, and bronchitis

Eleutheronema tetradactylum

Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Thailand

Large-scale production and moderate price; the gelatin is slightly soft, and the soup is slightly viscous

Maintains beauty and has antiaging properties

Conger-pike eel

Central and South America

It is a long, narrow, and cylindrical; large-scale production and moderate price

Maintains beauty and has antiaging properties